„[…] It has been shown theoretically that nonlinear effects can be triggered and intensified by solid ice as decreasing wave lengths under such ice condition result in the steepening of the waves.
In order to shed more light onto these occurrences, a research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, project 407532845) has started to show numerically and experimentally that nonlinear wave-ice interaction can take place under solid ice, explaining ice-breakup processes far away from the ice edge. The small-scale experiments are conducted at the large ice basin of the Hamburg Ship Model Test Basin (HSVA), where wave properties are measured before entering the ice sheet and during their progression through the ice sheet. […]“
(Franz von Bock und Polach, Marco Klein und Moritz Hartmann (2021), “Wave-ice interaction and ice break-up far away from the ice edge“, ifM Blog, https://www.ifm.uni-hamburg.de/en/blog/wave-ice.html)
For more information on the project, see the blog entry by our colleagues at UHH: