HSVA employees and their supporters took part in the HafenCityRun for a good cause. In excellent weather, the 4km run in Hamburg's impressive HafenCity was completed quickly. It was an enjoyable event, and we're already excited for next year's run.
HSVA employees and their supporters took part in the HafenCityRun for a good cause. In excellent weather, the 4km run in Hamburg's impressive HafenCity was completed quickly. It was an enjoyable event, and we're already excited for next year's run.
Happy World Oceans Day from HSVA!
Did you know that today is the World Oceans Day? On this day we want to draw attention to how valuable our oceans are and that it is more important than ever to protect them!
HSVA would like to take this opportunity to display some of our R&D projects to benefit the oceans:
At HSVA, models are produced deliberately from renewable raw resources. In most cases, wood is the prefered construction material.
In the model tests for Baltic Workboats Ltd for the new patrol boats for Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG, small lightweight models were needed.
These models were created in milled negative molds from wood in natural fiber composites (NFCs). The internals and deck were created from wood and the superstructure was printed from PLA using our 3D printer. PLA (polylactide acid) is synthetic material based mainly on starch (often from corn).
We are very glad to share that the TrAM H2020 Project has been nominated for the European Sustainable Energy Awards 2023!
The TrAM Catamaran Medstraum is not only fully electric, zero-emission, fast, buy also highly efficient in terms of hydrodynamic performance, which has been essential for such a battery-driven fast ferry concept being feasible and finally built and in operation! #HSVA is happy to make a substantial contribution to this great project.
The winner will be decided by the public - we would be happy if you voted for this great project!
Please find the link for voting below:
For more information, check out this post: Information TrAM H2020 Project
HSVA recently hosted a meeting of the Specialist Committee on "Combined Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (EFD and CFD) Methods" of the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) in Hamburg.
This year the Port of Hamburg celebrates its 834th anniversary - Happy Birthday from HSVA!
As ship model basin in Hamburg, we are of course proud of our port.
We are happy to announce our participation in this year’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) taking place from 1-4 May in Houston, USA. We invite you to discuss projects and topics in the field of Ships, Offshore and Arctic Technology with us. Meet us at the german pavilion: Booth No.5042-1.
At the moment we are conducting model tests for Baltic Workboats Ltd testing the new patrol boats for Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG intended for the Hamburg’s water police. The seakeeping tests will demonstrate how the ship behaves in the rough environment of the North Sea and give insights in how the conditions will be like for the crew on board. The test campaign will be completed by resistance and propulsion tests, ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the ships!
Models are built from sustainable flax fibre delievered by greenboats.
This week we welcomed Enrico Nake (Embassy of Canada | Ambassade du Canada) and Petra Mahnke (GMT - German Association for Marine Technology) at HSVA.
Besides the viewing of our towing and ice tank, we had an exciting exchange about current and future topics in marine and ocean technology! Many thanks for the visit!
We had the pleasure of welcoming MPC CONTAINER SHIPS, MPC Capital and their partners North Sea Container Line and Elkem ASA for the seakeeping tests for their new 1,300 TEU container vessels in our Large Towing Tank. The tests were successfully conducted under the gaze of numerous spectators. The vessels are dual-fuel methanol newbuildings that, according to MPC CONTAINER SHIPS are "[…] taking a significant leap forward in [their] commitment to using carbon neutral solutions in intra-regional container trades, together with strong partners."
Thank you for a great afternoon with interesting discussions, we are already looking forward to seeing you here again in the near future!
Shipping contributes substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts to reduce these emissions are being made everywhere at many levels, with sail (auxiliary) propulsion systems in particular experiencing a renaissance. As part of its maritime research program, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection is now for the first time funding a project to optimise additional wind propulsion systems on board merchant ships, specifically Flettner rotors. On the basis of numerical and experimental models, the new FlettnerFLEET project is developing largely improved design principles for the integration of additional wind propulsion in modern merchant ships, both for newbulidings as well as retrofits. In addition, the design and operation of the rotors are also being optimised. Within the framework of the joint project led by MARIKO GmbH, HSVA will carry out the aero- and hydrodynamic investigations and developments for optimised wind ships and thus further establish the topic of wind propulsion as a new mainstay at HSVA. Detailed information on the FlettnerFLEET project can be found in the press release, e.g. at Greenshipping-Niedersachsen or Hansa-Online.
The HSVA team sends many greetings for the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science"!
On this special day, we would like to encourage young women to apply for studies or apprenticeships, also in the technical field. Our work is always exciting and diverse, not to forget creative! So every day we are busy finding new solutions to constantly changing problems and developing the shipping industry further.
Wishing you all the best for the Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!
We at HSVA wish our partners, customers and friends all the best for the Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year. We would like to thank you for the great cooperation and the exciting projects we have worked on together and are already looking forward to seeing you again in 2023!
The engineers Friedrich Mewis and Dirk Lehmann have won the German Environmental Award 2022 with their invention of the power-saving Becker Mewis Duct® (BMD), developed to make a significant contribution to environmental protection in maritime shipping.
We sincerely felicitate our former colleague Friedrich Mewis, who used to be head of the "Resistance and Propulsion" department at HSVA for ten years, as well as Dirk Lehmann, BMS Managing Director, on this great success. Congratulations – well deserved!
HSVA is proud to have been a development partner to test the BMD in its beginning and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Becker Marine Systems GmbH for the great cooperation over all the past years – we are looking forward to further projects in the future!
The complete press release of the DBU can be read here: https://www.dbu.de/123artikel39511_2442.html
As part of the 30th SMM Hamburg, we had the great opportunity to open the doors of HSVA together with our partner GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz). With pleasure we could demonstrate our interested guests the concept of the ballast water-free LNG tanker, which was developed by GTT, equipped with an Anti-Roll Tank by Hoppe Marine GmbH and a propulsion system by SCHOTTEL Industries GmbH, hull lines tested and optimized at HSVA. Moreover we provided an insight into our testing facilities and used the time for interesting discussions and conversations.
The world’s first battery-only high-speed craft, MS Medstraum,…
Reducing frictional resistance by Felix Hoppe and Daniela Myland (myland@hsva.de), Ship&Offshore, The International Publication for Offshore & Marine Technology, Special Green Tech, Edition 2022, pp.30-31, https://www.shipandoffshore.net/publications/greentech-edition.html
Influence of hull-ice friction on ship performance by Daniela Myland (myland@hsva.de) and Quentin…