for the
Maritime Industry
Located in Hamburg, the private and independent Hamburg Ship Model Basin - HSVA - is a service and consulting company for clients in the maritime industry worldwide.
Our products contribute to a greener, more sustainable usage of marine environments. We help reduce emissions from shipping and we increase safety in marine transportation.
We are partners to our clients for the development of innovative, tailor-made solutions in shipping and offshore operations. For experimental investigations we are offering world class testing facilities.
Its leading role in national and international research programs makes HSVA a most competent partner in science and services in the field of maritime hydrodynamics, maritime aerodynamics and arctic technology as well as associated disciplines.

Optimisation, Efficiency & Safety
We address any aspect in design, construction and operation of waterborne vehicles and structures that incorporate fluid mechanical considerations such as
- Resistance and Propulsion
- Ship Dynamics and Manoeuvring
- Seakeeping and Motions
- Cavitation and Hydroacoustics
- Structural Loads
- Underwater Vehicles
- Model experiments
- Numerical computations (CFD)
- Field measurements
- Monitoring and data analytics
- In-house software

Design Loads, Operational Safety & Green Energy
HSVA adresses all aspects related to air flow on ships and offshore structures, including
- Wind Loads
- Air resistance
- Exhaust gas distribution
- Air Turbulence
- Ventilation
- Numerical Assessment (RANS, DES, LES)
- Wind Tunnel Testing
- IMO Weather Criterion
- Helicopter Operations
- Wind Propulsion Systems (Flettner Rotors, Soft Sails, Wing Sails)
- Wind Turbines

Safe operation in ice covered waters
Operating one of the very few testing facilities worldwide, HSVA provides unique expertise for marine vehicles and installations in ice covered waters:
- Icebreaking Vessels
- Design Assistance
- Arctic Environmental Conditions
- Ice Class Regulations and Requirements
- Model Testing in Ice
- Ice – Structure Interaction, Ice Loads
- Ice Performance Trials
- Wave – Ice Interaction
- Ice Mechanics
- Technical Assistance for Scientific Experiments in Ice
June 2023
HSVA at HafenCityRun2023

HSVA employees and their supporters took part in the HafenCityRun for a good cause. In excellent weather, the 4km run in Hamburg's impressive HafenCity was completed quickly. It was an enjoyable event, and we're already excited for next year's run.
February 2025
Webinar: "HSVA's Services for a Greener Shipping - Solutions for EEDI, EEXI and CII”

HSVA presents: Webinar "HSVA's Services for a Greener Shipping - Solutions for EEDI, EEXI and CII"
August 2024
Newswave 2024 01

We are very pleased to present you our new edition of our magazine newswave.
Find out more about:
- Flotte Hamburg - Ensuring Safe Waterways
- EEXI / CII - Solutions for Greener Shipping
- Cycloid Propulsion - A new Scale Correction Method
... and much more!
Enjoy reading!

Jobs @ HSVA
HSVA is one of the world leading ship model basins. As a private company operating in the wonderful city of Hamburg, Germany, HSVA is active in the field of hydrodynamic research since 1913. Besides operating a large range of experimental facilities, we are among the forerunners of CFD developments and maritime applications.
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